Selamat petang.
Wat reunion!!!
Kepada kengkwn yg skola BT3
Ermmm…batch 92-97
Jom JOIN!!!
Kami akn wat REUNION
Pada 25hb, Time 7.00pm
tntg bayaran lak Cuma RM50/person
Nak bwk GF,BF,suami-isteri,mak ayah,mentua…Uih!!bg yg x punye pasangan?saat inilah utk anda m’cr JODOH….mn laa..taw!!
X kesh,jnji bayar jew…
Pas2 lak,bg yg nk bg sp0nser,amatlah dialu2kn.Bak kater”tangan yg diats,lbh baek dr yg dbwh”
Korng jugak leh smbangkn idea,pndpt,pndngan,kritikan&Ape2 jelaa….(Lu Pikir La..S’diri)Janji MELETOP…
Pelbgai aturcara majlis yg MARVELOUS…menantiYeah!!!pasti HANGAT & mnggalkn kngan MANIS..Wadddduuuhhh2…….
BERMINAT ap tGGu lagi…
Daftar skrg…
Hubungi :Ain: 013-937 0095(
Aryl:017-320 0302(
isit not TOO EARLY? its not easy to sure that everyone could attend. At least, give them to alter as they are now, mostly, OUT STATE of PAHANG. and for me, 25th December is on THURSDAY and it might be serious case to them to swindle up from their responsibility on 26th which fall on the next day. If they dont mind about that, it should be OK. if not, we enjoying with less of proper friends.
Plus, we are only berapa kerat and majority is still NOT ALERT about this. Isit convenience as if the REUNION is ON but it is not SUPPORTED by our former fellows yang kita semua nak jumpa sangat. At least, get them first and we could see how its work.
Aku tau, semangat nak jumpa tu ada, but dont be too greedy as others is still not too sure. It will destroy the earliest planning, which can actually happen joyful with good mood.
**ini pandangan SERIOUS aku jer, and monitor from backwards. Aku sokong apa saja yang dibentangkan, tapi this is just my OPINION.
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